Ed Lockett profile

  • Hello

    My name is Ed from Plymouth, England.

    I recently moved to Newport as part of the Mountbatten Internship Programme and will be working for UBS in their payroll department for 1 year.

    I have always taken a keen interest in cricket and have played for various clubs in Plymouth, Westlands in Yeovil, Dulwich CC in South London, and most recently Reading CC.

    I am a batsmen and can also keep wicket.

    I am keen to join Hoboken CC and would appreciate hearing from you at your earliest convenience.

Performance Details

Batting and fielding history
 Total 110373737.00000000
Season: 2010
 All teams110373737.00000000

Bowling history
Recent performances

For performances since

  • Performances
  • Batting by position
  • Batting by dismissal
No records to display.
PositionInningsAverageTotal Runs
No records to display.
Mode of dismissalInnings
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